Tears In Palm Springs

By: Wes Luxton

Waterlogged in wishing wells

Sunflower seeds and sweeter saps

Nightmares back in middle school

Dreams of making songs that slap

Thought one day I'd be the dude

Hand slips

Hit face off the desk

Got kicked out man who all laughed

Early grad y'all called me trash

Beat up too

Who had my back

Back in box I'm Rubix Cube

Stuck up too this me unglued

Honey grab my super suit

Tonight we finally steal the moon

Split that shit at Aphrodite's

Hurt before so we tread lightly

Second thoughts she kisses us slightly

Gone since tuesday

Songs to sooth it

Back on thursday

Write more music

Born on wednesday

Left you stupid

Left on read

You always do it

Now they marry a millionaire

Like Marilyn who

These my midnight paintings

No Theodore Seuss

I'm calling out truce

While you're calling in troops

Horton's hearing you

Pass the torch and I'll carry the youth


Art's still healing our wounds

No lights been coming in the room

I've been plotting on this all afternoon

The bricks we lay

The things that make us

They love to hate

Heartbreak dynamics

The pain we feel

This trust that hurts

These checks for bills

And stupid shirts

A fruitless life

I planted seeds

Fought sleepless nights

And work fatigue

Don't chime in with your third critique

That shit just sounds absurd to me


I planned out this whole damn thing

Lost four jobs still bought the beats

Brand new notebook every week

Write more lyrics till I'm nauseous

Compare myself

I don't see progress

All these problems

I can't solve them

Talk with tempos till I vomit

Till my absence speaks in silence

Facing fears

I'm sick of running

Up at north side

Fuck a compass

More ideas and music bussin

Ego trip and bust my shit in

Far from timid

I've been bugging

Only speak in commas cussing

Tell me who the hell am I becoming

Kill me twice I am disgusting

Six more months and I'll be nothing

I need substance give me something

Written & Performed by: Wes Luxton

Produced by: Dontaskalex

Engineers: Cj Bertram; Andy VanGuilder; Wes Luxton

2022 Wes Luxton Music Co. - All rights reserved. All reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance, and broadcasting prohibited.


Far From Famous

